Thanksgiving is a time of mixing. Mixing the family, mixing the feast's ingredients, mixing the love. Some discount the idea of celebrating T-Day, like Canadians, eh...actually everyone, except Hometown USA, continues this week without a specified day of celebration. Why? Because they celebrate their family every day. America is too busy to call Grandma on the phone because we're rioting on ignorance, spending unwisely on iPhone upgrades rather than this week's grocery shopping. Put down the XBOX controller and pause your internet game of Mahjong and celebrate with the family more often. We shouldn't have to "enforce" a day to gather around ye kin and catch up on Billy's new honor roll bumper sticker ceremony or Trina's upcoming baby (conceived in the handicapped stall in the bathroom of the Museum of Tolerance). Honor thy father and mother...and call them throughout the year. I know you have time...I see you out there, calling and driving simultaneously, risking danger to your lane-mates. If you have time for premeditated vehicular manslaughter, you have time to call and holla' what up to your sister or your brother or your sister who has become your brother.
Love it or hate it, family should come first...Pass the mashed potatoes.
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