It's amazing what can get accomplished if you just have the passion and the patience...if you have the creativity and the talent...if you have the true grit that will convince you to keep at it until one day, you've reached a pinnacle, and you're ready for more.
Booze is overrated. Let's get drunk some other way. Get drunk with orange juice. Get drunk with apple juice. A bar full of bros and hoes holding highball glasses of reds and oranges with orange slices and celery sticks as garnishes. "Wucha drink, yo?" "Tomato drink...and I ain't driven', believe that, Jo Mamma. "
What a bootleg by Lady BEE straight out of Amsterdam. People don't mess around when they say the best house music comes from Europe. The rubbery, juicy, eyeball shaking synth makes this whole thing POP. Lady BEE announced that she will be releasing this track on her soundcloud on Christmas. Keep an eye out for this banger!
The divine mixes, circa 2008, seem ages ago when Justice blasted onto the scene with DVNO and the underdogs sprouted their remixes. These are four capital letters, printed in gold that apparently the details make the girls sweat...or if you ask them, they'll say, "Hardly, we glisten." Now we wait for the new album. But wait--"I don't want to wait anymore." The new album, Audio, Video, Disco is already out and awaiting for Justice to blast its way into round two. Ding!
Miles and miles of red tape couldn't hold back the love I feel for watching paint dry. I just sit there in my yellow-and-orange lawn chair, eating a big bag of Doritos (Nacho Cheese) and observing the snail-pace drips of sulfuric-scented Ruffle-clam white Behr paint. Lo and behold (who says that anymore?), a satellite with Russian symbols encrusted on the hull, crashes into the neighbor's yard and suddenly I'm forced to turn my head and observe Gina, the neighbor's foxy daughter, with braces that have radio frequency, begin a bold shoe-shuffle to retro beat she's tuning into, and this places Gina into a seizure of The Hustle.
Welcome back to KRWX. It's time to play our number one song on Nigel's Weekend Top 40. This is a new band called The Future. Formed out of a duo of synthesizer musicians, The Future has come out of nowhere to bring you this week's number one hit song, Don't You Want Me. It's a great and catchy song, but perhaps they should opt for a more grand-standing name. By the way, lately, me and my cohorts have been passing the days with this riveting game called Starforce. And in this game there is this frontier-oriented society known as The Human League. Why, they should be called that if I had to choose a name.
If there is another world out there in that rather large universe, that is somewhat similar to our world, do you think they make songs without choruses? Maybe choruses are against the law over there. Maybe they don't have the knowledge of what we call a chorus. Or maybe over there, their choruses are so advanced, that if we listened to an example our ears would climax earwax all over the place. The point is, the chorus part of a song or piece of music is so essential in order to get friends, Romans and countrymen to lend their ears and announce, "O Thy song'st catchy, ho."
White folks getting crunk...illegal? In New York and California (and I'm sure in other states and countries also), it is illegal for a bar/club to allow dancing within its perimeters without the possession of a cabaret license. Perhaps you've been to one of those downscale establishments where the Paul Blarts with flashlights were constantly bawking at you for shuffling shoulders or bouncing your head. Those placed failed to purchase said license and the staff was on edge just in case a nark popped up to fine them. Even though dancing is a method of self-expression, it also has association with noise, violence and filth. The cabaret licenses are established as a way to keep facilities in check so crummy neighborhoods don't get any crummier.
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila--'Hey, no dancing!'
So the next day, after the incident with the elephant in the bar, I attended a gala event at a Hollywood Hills mansion. Wall-to-wall decorations of tiki torches and palm fronds were torturing my vision. Everyone was dressed in black-n-white except for one individual behind a bamboo-cut table. My eyes popped like a Champagne bottle. It was that same elephant from the bar and he was sporting his infamous Nike Shox, only this time he was not behind the bar, but behind the turntables, spewing out Bloody Beetroots' remix of Ivory.
So there was this elephant behind the bar and he was giving me this look of death because I didn't put a tip. I tell him, "Why should I tip, I only bought a beer and you just gave it to me. If I asked you to mix a drink for me and it tasted decent, then I might consider tossing in a few bucks." Then the elephant jumped over the bar with his red-blazing Nike Shox and lifted me upside and a rain of cash floated downward to the floor. The elephant tooted a loud elephant toot that sounded like the background effects in this new Congorock debut hit track, Ivory.
There's nothing bolder than waking up to Tom Cruise right up at your face, with his wheat-grass-shake breath and his jungle eyebrows. Or could it be this featured track by Midnight Wolf, called Orion - (Metalectro Vol.2). Time to jump on the furniture and swing your fists onto the floor.
Thanksgiving is a time of mixing. Mixing the family, mixing the feast's ingredients, mixing the love. Some discount the idea of celebrating T-Day, like Canadians, eh...actually everyone, except Hometown USA, continues this week without a specified day of celebration. Why? Because they celebrate their family every day. America is too busy to call Grandma on the phone because we're rioting on ignorance, spending unwisely on iPhone upgrades rather than this week's grocery shopping. Put down the XBOX controller and pause your internet game of Mahjong and celebrate with the family more often. We shouldn't have to "enforce" a day to gather around ye kin and catch up on Billy's new honor roll bumper sticker ceremony or Trina's upcoming baby (conceived in the handicapped stall in the bathroom of the Museum of Tolerance). Honor thy father and mother...and call them throughout the year. I know you have time...I see you out there, calling and driving simultaneously, risking danger to your lane-mates. If you have time for premeditated vehicular manslaughter, you have time to call and holla' what up to your sister or your brother or your sister who has become your brother.
Love it or hate it, family should come first...Pass the mashed potatoes.
In this tough economy, that seems to have no other route but downward, citizens still have money to spend on drinks at the bars & clubs, splendid meals at restaurants and a night at the movies...for two, IMAX, midnight premiere, plus drinks, plus popcorn and a thing of flavored salt. No wonder corporations are still succeeding, and the community still crumbling, you're all paying your fare onto the road to poverty; and still you all complain about barely having enough money to get by. Think in the long run, instead of right now.
Tacos at 4 a.m. never tasted so good while listening to the ceiling speakers spouting out this new remix by Le Castle Vania, being the remix to Kaskade's Turn It Down. I'm sure it also sits well with other cuisines such as Italian meatball sandwiches, hummus, and dragon rolls. Maybe one day, I''ll listen to a catchy song while eating a meatball dragon roll with hummus a la mode.
Out there in this mighty world, there are volumes of examples of subjects we feel ambivalent about, such as pugs, Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, and fast food. When present at the club, it fascinates me to notice the crowd really get into an awful song. By awful, I mean haphazardly created with feet and elbows and containing no creative merit. Yet the crowd will holla' back youngin' at ya boy whenever some obnoxious tune is popped on to the speakers. Perhaps it compares to when a comedian announces his punchline and the audience begins laughing to retort back to the comedian implying, "Oh, I get the joke, good one, Chappelle...Darkness!"
Here's the third leg of the tripod of songs featured on the Melanie Iglesias Flip Book Videos. Grand Staff is the type of artist group that enjoys sophisticating its simple chord progressions and letting loose with the ensemble of beat to synth ratios. Grand Staff consists of four guys who met at NYU, combining their talents from Boston, New York, and New Jersey. Tipping the iceberg, I would compare this fab four to the style of Ol' Skool Dr. Dre and his memorable beats & riffs. Dive ear first into Grand Staff's pool of talents:
Today, a birdie mentioned that at Guantanamo Bay detention camp, at one time or another, the soldiers would torture the inmates by blasting music from Rage Against The Machine. If you think about it, we Americans listen to an enormous conglomerate of noise. Yet, our ears have grown accustomed to this noise that we find beauty in ugliness. Of course, we would probably hang ourselves if we were inmates, succumbed to hours of Peruvian Flute Band music.
While I was hitting up Club Yost in infamous Orange County, Halloween weekend, it was unfortunate to only be able to be in one place at a time, to be able to miss Escape from Wonderland, or even Hard Haunted Mansion, for that matter. Featured is Thomas Gold's set from the Escape from Wonderland event in San Bernardino, CA. Soon I hope to hire henchmen to video tape these events so I and everyone else who is unable to attend, can experience the mayhem of these clashing sounds, blinding lights and speed-demon two-steppers at these events, without leaving your room. "I love gold."
KOAN Sound returns with a new album called Funk Blaster, an EP. Debuting yesterday, KOAN Sound features tracks with their usual low-toned buzzmeister synths, mixed with an array of funky-good-time, dub-stepping-time, eighties-metro-are-and-bee, and a hint of classy-So-Cali-hip-hop humpity-bumps. I see this thing growing. (That's what she said.)
Every day I encounter a haughty individual who claims more than one parking spot for his vehicle. Sometimes this person parks like this on purpose, and sometimes this person parks like this haphazardly. If I had the time, I would go around town looking for these weasels; and if I spot one, I'll smash a hard-to-peel-off sticker right where the driver's eyes can sink when they read the buzz words of:
If you have some time to spare from your worker-bee-type lives, have a sit down and open your ear-waxed aural auditoriums to Hardwell's live set at Sensation Innerspace, in Dane country. It would be better if there was video to accompany. Yet it would be even better if we were all there in Denmark. Or if Hardwell could over here and play his live set for every one of us, a door-to-door DJ. That's ambition.
Here's a preview of Guau's remix of Lightshapers & Critical's Punchline. I'm currently scribing this while on the freeway, going a mild 10 mph...wait, 13 mph. I am amazed how advanced technology has come. Before there was only the Zach Morris phones and dub step was only an experiment in London. In twenty years, what will phones do? What will be the sound of future electronic music?
Another vacation has passed and it's time to reset. A perfect track for the occasion is the Turbofunk remix of Reset!'s hot creation called Don't Let the System Control You. What sticks out is the frequency of the synth used, perhaps a lower-mid type. It's a frequency you don't hear much, therefore it sounds more pleasing to the ears. Next time you put on your headphones or turn on your Pandora channel in the car, listen to the frequency of the synth used for songs. Check to see what level the artist uses. Are they pleasing? Why might they be pleasing?
Not gonna lie. Myndset's recent mixes and remixes have been stuck in my head. As well as his trademark alien astronaut neato helmet. Below is his most recent mix full of electro bangers and dancefloor smashers. Click Play.
It takes less effort to describe visual matters rather than to describe aural matters. You tell an individual about a video you recently viewed and you want to describe, with vivid detail, on what happened in the video and you want the listeners to imagine, effortlessly, your descriptions. 'This huge, mouth-foaming Mastiff was violently sucked, head first, into a lightning-encrusted, neon-green vortex and a minute later, the Mastiff came out of the other side of the vortex with its body inside-out. It wasn't nasty, but NOSTY!'
Then a new song comes out and you want to describe how amazing this new song sounds. At this point, effort must be initiated because in our culture, we are naive on describing sounds. 'It sounds nice.' 'It sounds like Owl Vision a little but not really.' New assignment, World (me included). Let's learn to better describe the sounds we like, so we may easily share it with others without having to say, 'You just had to be there.' 'I'm not going to sing it for you.'
When you've attached a HOT song to a NICE PIECE of video, it's difficult to imagine alternative visuals to the SEXY, mind-singeing sights you've already experienced. I've come out of the Melanie-Iglesias-stalker closet and am revealing my true feelings towards her--wait...I mean--this hot and heavy mix created by Grand Staff is a sure pastor blaster. Grand Staff is calling this none-too-intimate track If This Is A Dream. A track mighty appropriate as 'tis featured on the 3-month young Melanie Iglesias Flip Book video, numero uno. Once again, to enjoy most efficiently, watch a few times (nine times ought to suffice) and then look away and listen.
Now, back to recluse into Melanie's closet. Smells like spicy vanilla in here.
'Where have I heard that song?' 'Dude, I know that one, it's from...' 'It's on the tip of my tongue, I'm about to say's...' It's FROM THE FLIP BOOK VIDEO. 'Oh, yeah! I remember now. Such a great song, bruh. Oh, ya, and the girl in it is mmmkay.' That's right friends, Grand Staff is featured in the infamous, viral, yet healthy for the eyeballs (males especially, some girls may apply), Melanie Iglesias Flip Book videos. If you've yet to experience this visual journey of sexy and jealousy, I recommend YouTube'ing it. Watch it once for visuals, then watch it twice for visuals. When you've reached your ninth click, press play and put some effort into turning away from the screen and listen. But I'll bet you a buffalo nickel you'll be imagining the previous images you've witnessed as you process Party Til 9AM.
Many people grew up in the 90s disliking the rock group known as Korn (sorry, could't turn the 'R' backwards). Yet the band was a hot and loaded musical weapon with loyal fanatics, and they did sell out arenas. Korn returns to be an accomplice with the duo, the dark dubbed DJ known as Skrillex, and kruel and kollected Kill The Noise. They feature this new surreal sorry-we're-closed-because-we're-in-the-back-brewing-troll-teeth-and-eye-of-newt-in-our-boiling-potion of an original mix screaming, Narcissistic Cannibal.
Through Steve Aoki's record label, Dim Mak Records, Mustard Pimp's debut album, No Title or Purpose, comes out on October 25. I pick City Kids as my favorite track on the album with its fierce energy of synth melodies and I foresee this to become a popular track produced through the speakers of many Halloween parties coming soon. It will be tough to remix this song, all you silly-goose remixers out there, as it is already sounding hump de bump enough.
At a local theater, a DJ commits to breaking the world record for performing the longest DJ set. In reality, it's difficult to truly give the credit of a DJ performing 150 straight hours without having to comply with the natural human body functions. Thus once you leave, the set is over. But the records officials allow the breaks. Perhaps it would be a bigger feat, more memorable even, to accomplish these world records with physical restraint of controlling the bodily functions as long as possible. Then wasting your useless life doing these acts would mean so much more to yourself, and that girl over there.
So while this DJ does his 15-minute feat, other more brilliant individuals, like Mord Fustang, will be making better use of their times creating artistic genius and providing entertainment as we, the listening crowd out there, struggle with our everyday lives of making something out of ourselves.
If you're a Tiesto fanatic, who has the whole set of Tiesto t-shirts, and listens to nothing but Tiesto, then, click your heels Tiesto times and you'll appear at the Home Depot Center in Carson, just south of the LA haze. There you'll be watching Tiesto and more Tiesto, plus a bonus of Tiesto. Then during your Tiesto recess, you can go visit other stages to watch Diplo, Dada Life & Porter Robinson. But be wary of the whistle because, you only get a small amount of recess and then it's back for more Tiesto. Warning, this is only a Tiesto!
A month has passed and I have noticed by friend growing pale. I asked him about it. It turns out he has been working at night, sleeping through day. In the afternoon he awakens, then he works on his second job, via computer, in his room, blinding the sunshine with black curtains. Then it's back to the night job. Thus, his skin has been lacking the sun's shine and he's turning into Casper the Grumpy Ghost. That must be unhealthy, correct?
What are the chances of the city of Los Angeles having a rave at the Sepulveda Dam? Los Angeles has held raves in a variety of venues around town that seem like average settings, but having the event at this familiar location would be ideal. If you can't put your thumb on it, the Dam has been featured in many music videos, commercials and movies. I can imagine a sea of colored background lighting and glittered throughout the area are search lights. Imagine being a part of a crowd of thousands of people, fist pumping, feet shuffling to artists like Pretty Lights.
Sometimes it's not necessary to remix a song. When you come across a Skrillex track, you come across a sense of spicy insanity. Once it's up to that heat level, I'm not sure a remix could make it even spicier. So all you remixers out there in the grid, you should just throw away that ProTools or Logic file and move on to something else. Fire bad, original good.
From Red Bull Records, I present to you Innerpartysystem. This up-n-comer emits the edges of Justice and Duran Duran to create an electro house album called Never Be Content, featuring this thumping track, Not Getting Any Better.
Some individuals live life too seriously, especially those at the workplace. At least they put forth some effort to burn calories, in which it takes more effort to frown than it is to smile. Of course I can burn calories from holding up a remote control so that the coffee table doesn't obstruct the line-of-sight signal in order to proceed with a fluid motion of channel surfing. So what I'm not saying, but really trying to say is that those sourpuss-co-workers should stop whatever it is they are doing and Drop It Like It's Mogg.
I raise my hand to being a weekender. Party all night, sleep all day, then make it a sequel the following day, and keeping Sunday a day of rest. But if you mean weekender, as in being ordered by a judge to go to jail to serve my temporary sentence for being punk in drublic and vandalizing the mayor's prized 1978 Pontiac Firebird, and asked to attend incarceration on my own just on the weekends, just so I can continue my weekly schedule to commit to serving my life sentence of a cheating wife, dead-end job and a thirteen-year-old-slut-of-a-daughter experiencing her third abortion, then I can't raise my hand for that. Crossing fingers, now.
This song is dedicated to that guy who makes it his initial objective to rub up against women and immediately begin grinding, thinking women are aroused by a creeper...about 5' 9'', 180 lbs, bruh t-shirt, an almost-mustache and a double fist of red & blue bottles of Budweiser & Budlight, respectively...suddenly touching his separated-by-only-two-layers unit right against her pretty poop shooter. Real men of genius.
We should all be thankful for our poor sense of hearing. If we humans had the comparable audibility of tawny owls, the animal with perhaps the best ability to hear, then the distorted masterpieces we create would only be long-winded waves of useless noise.
Panic city is one nasty remixer. In the best way. His recent tracks have been nothin short of bangin, angelic, and put on your dance shoes and freak.. fun. Add him on soundcloud so you can see everything he puts out. Panic City is guaranteed not to disappoint your party playlist.
A memorable 80s classic, Goodbye Horses, comes back to life in the soul of DWNTWN, with help from Skeet Skeet. They add back synths, techno beats, and indie vocals - a throwback. People complain to me that they despise 80s music. Why? If it weren't for 80s music, we would be without Dr. Dre, Duran Duran and Q Lazzarus. Thus Goodbye Horses would cease to exist.
Looks like the trio comprised as The Prodigy is making a comeback. I notice more buzz on the Firestarter-famed digital-aged pioneers. Next I would like to see "The Prodigy" listed as a headliner for a big show. Maybe Hard Halloween Mansion? If not, my backyard is always available. Say, "yes."
It must be possible that luck is involved when a random mommy and daddy combine the right genes to create a son, who grows up to be an adonis, who attends clubs and experiences girls coming up to him, telling him, up against his ear, "You're the hottest guy here. Dance with me." Can you smell the jealousy?
Some hiatus does a body good. The Local Alien returns, along with Soulwax. Coming soon to a local Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium near you, Soulwax, along with a dozen other heavy hitters pull out the masks and assemble for the annual Hard Halloween Mansion October 28 & 29. It's always fun to spot the few who sport the Waldo costumes. Found him!
Easy does it. Pretty Light's Something Wrong contributes to the feather side of electronica with a more Eric Clapton-Moby-atmospheric quality. Sometimes heavy-duty is too much and all you need is Ziploc to contain all that emotion. There's always something for everyone out there.
Out now is Porter Robinson's new EP, Spitfire. This artist is well rounded with his electronica, featuring dubstep, dnb, trance and acid to sugar coat his electro house layers of chocolately goodness. So un-Velcro your ears and duct tape them up against a speaker:
Met Mr. Skeet Skeet once outside of Sutra in Orange County before he went into the club to drop his set... cept I was wearing the face that he had above. One thing I noticed about most accomplished dudes in the area...they never too cool to say whats up! That's why I'll support their tracks like the one below. Peeep it!